Friday, September 28, 2007

Some in US Navy have dim view of today's youth...

At first when I read this wired article, OMG! Navy Calls MySpace Kids "Alien Life Force" (And They Hate the War, Too) I thought it was some type of a spoof, especially when I got to this part of the article:
The typical kid today "has always been online," and "has never known a world without digital phones." Because of that, he a worldwide social network; his "best friend may be Chinese," the report says. "Teens are creating new forms of social behavior that blur the distinction between online and real-world interactions -- and largely ignore the difference between the two." The dual life is "creating a whole new language." The presentation warns recruiters that they're liable to experience more than "just a generation gap" with today's kids. To older military types, the youngsters will appear to be "a somewhat alien life force."

To be able to speak to these creatures, the presentation offers some handy translations, like "suuuuuuup!!! (Translation: What’s up?)." It also invites recruiters to make sure they know about emoticons, Napoleon Dynamite, Bolt, "Brangelina’s baby," and the Black Eyed Peas.

Yet in looking deeper, this appears to have really been part of what was discussed, and while I'd like to say I disagree with some of what is suggested, having just had my youngest daughter refer to me as "Dude"...I can't...

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