Sunday, April 19, 2009

Fortune 100 employers with over 150 job openings

A nice break from some of the doom and gloom of the economic news from CNN, As many big companies are announcing mass layoffs, these Fortune 100 employers have at least 150 openings as of mid-April. Who are they?

Bank of America Corp.
State Farm Insurance Cos.
United Parcel Service
Medco Health Solutions

Those are the top ten, there are 18 more at the CNN link...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HP is still laying off chunks of employees every week as well as cutting the salaries of those left standing (I'm currently down 15% of my pay in their effort to 'make the numbers' to ensure the big guys still get their obscene multi-million dollar bonuses.) In addition, there is still 15,000+ layoffs expected due to HP's aquisition of EDS last year.

It's a shame CNN doesn't report ALL the news it should