Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The power of Bernanke

I find it a bit strange that expert after expert has stated the recession and the current economic climate will extend beyond 2009, into 2010 and will perhaps not make a real recovery until 2011 but when Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke says the recession will probably end this year? All of the rest of those experts are ignored. We've covered some of those thoughts here, as an example, comments by Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody's, whose research was relied upon by lawmakers to make the case for the economic recovery package. He stated that we won't know how the economy is doing or the impact of the stimulus plan until the fall reporting of job numbers.

Yet, the stock market is based at times more on emotion than real thought, so it's apparent that for today at least, there are those who want to believe what Bernake is saying...

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