Many years ago my father taught me when using a credit card for a purchase, especially at an eating establishment where there was the option to include a tip as a part of the bill, to get a receipt. He also stressed if you did not leave a tip using the credit card, but left one in cash to make sure you actually filled the receipt out rather than just signing it. I realize for some it can be a drag to wait for a receipt printer to print it out when you are asked if you want a receipt, or to take the extra few seconds to make sure in a tip scenario you have filled out the receipt in full.
Here's what can happen and has happened to some who don't. If you have a less than honest waiter or waitress, or restaurant manager for that matter, they can add a tip to your bill, then charge it. If you don't keep your receipt you might not remember if the bill was $35.66 or $37.66 or $38.66, most of these who do these types of scams don't make the amount huge, they do that on purpose so you don't notice. Then if you question the bill, it could very easily be said, "you put that amount on there" where if you have crossed out the line for a tip and you have your own record of the receipt? It's far easier to challenge this if it ever comes up.
It's also really easy to lose track of how much money you are spending when you don't keep and record receipts...
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