Saturday, March 21, 2009

Media inspired fear?

It's hard to not see it as media inspired fear when you take the actual facts into consideration, note the bold which is my emphasis:
Corporate officials advised employees in a memo later posted on to avoid wearing the company logo, in an effort to keep from drawing attention. Workers were also urged to travel in pairs at night and park in well-lit areas.

Typifying the preoccupation with AIG payouts, a busload of activists — outnumbered 2-to-1 by reporters and photographers — protested outside the homes of AIG executives in Connecticut Saturday.

About 40 protesters parked at a cul-de-sac Saturday afternoon and walked to the Fairfield home of Douglas Poling. They were met on the curb by two security guards, and one activist read a letter detailing the financial struggles that many Connecticut residents have faced. The group then left the note in Poling's mailbox.

Forty protesters isn't enough in this area to get more than a few seconds on the news, if at all, yet this creates 80 journalists/photographers? I don't agree with the bonuses, or the whole ideal of the bailout but the media is making this whole AIG the actual company the monster when Congress who actually created this mess appears to get a free pass...

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