Monday, July 05, 2010

Detroit's new factory of dreams

Recommended article from CNN - what's cool about the project is this:

Chris Mihailovich, the property manager, says he really didn't know what to do with the place. Until the artists started calling.

"At first we kind of laughed it off," Mihailovich says. But with nothing to lose, they chose one empty floor, framed in a row of 1,000-square-foot studios, which they offered at around $550 a month, heat included. "And guess what? We filled it. And we made another one, and another one."

Whatever's happening here -- without any help, by the way, from government or philanthropies -- it's organic, it's mutually supportive, and it's uniquely Detroit.

I'm waiting to see how long it takes for any of our local politicians to suggest something similar here for Toledo.


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