Saturday, September 11, 2010

Advantages of VOIP with an iPod

When my fourth oldest child was in Mexico City, I learned first hand how expensive phone calls from here to Mexico were and how our cell phone plan did not allow the calls to even be made. It was then that I started searching for information about VOIP. I found ways to be able to call her, but it was difficult to find ways for her to call me without having to purchase phone cards in Mexico.

As I was searching through iPod Apps I found information on a VOIP iPod app. She has an iPod, the concept of being able to use her iPod instead of a cell phone is pretty neat. International calls are not free, but 2 cents a minute is much better than most of the other systems out there.

There are also VOIP apps for iPhone which depending on your phone plan, could create some savings for you. There are an amazing number of apps out there that could make what you think is the only way, not even remotely true anymore.

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