Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Intel chief executive officer says stimulus didn't do enough

Interesting interview, from the CEO of the company one of my children works for -- Intel CEO: Stimulus didn't work. Part of:
"The decisions so far have not resulted in either job growth or increased confidence. When what you're doing isn't working you rethink it and I think we need to rethink some plans," he said at the Intel Developers Forum in San Francisco.

Otellini credited the White House for listening to him and other business leaders. "I really think they're trying," he said, adding that he doesn't think there is anti-business sentiment from the administration.

But Otellini said the $787 billion economic stimulus package passed last year has not done enough to solve problems in the job market. He argued that money not yet spent from that program might be better off allocated elsewhere and took the administration to task for focusing on short-term projects.

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